Tagged With: Fly Fishing the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/10/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/10/16 The fishing Great Smoky Mountains and surrounding region has been off to a good start for October! We have several fisheries hitting their stride this past week and the action has been very consistent and down right incredible on several rivers! We guide many area rivers and streams around … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/03/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/03/16 It was a cool morning again in the Smoky Mountains. The high country saw lows into the upper 30’s on Mt LeConte and Clingmans Dome. In Bryson City and Gatlinburg the day started out mid 40’s. It’s finally starting to feel like Fall and football weather around here! Speaking … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/1/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 10/1/16 Its October 1st,  and what a day it has been in the Smoky Mountains! The weather is much cooler this weekend with lows in the Smoky Mountains dropping into the mid 30’s on Mt Leconte and Cingmans Dome! Wow talk about a drastic change from last weeks heat wave. … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/30/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/30/16 The big news in the Smokies right now is the drop in temperatures all across the region. Lows dropped into the high 40’s across the Smoky Mountains overnight. That’s the coldest we have been in months! That’s great news to the trout angler as this helps bring stream temperatures down … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/26/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/26/16 The sun is shining in Bryson City this morning and tempratures are in the low 60’s all across the Smoky Mountains. We’re forecasted for 80% chance of rain today starting around 3pm. It’s already starting to to get cloudy across many parts of the Smokies. Rainfall totals are expected … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/24/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/24/16 While it may start looking like Autumn, the tempratures certainly don’t feel that way. Highs reached 88 degrees in Bryson City and Gatlinburg today. That’s sort of crazy especially considering its the latter part of September! I’m not really complaining, well, maybe I am. As much as I love … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/22/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/22/16 Today is the first day of Fall! The Great Smoky Mountains fished amazing the past two days. Cooler weather at night has dropped streams temps a few degrees and we’re seeing increased feeding activity from the resident wild trout! Dry fly action is incredible right now, Septemeber always is. … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/19/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/19/16 Today started out with steady rainfall most of the night across the Smoky Mountains and surrounding region. Local rainfall totals varied between locations and which side of the mountains you happen to be on. In Bryson City it rained hard at times, enough that you could hear the old … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/18/16

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/18/16 The Smoky Mountains have been receiving some much needed rain! Steady showers started last night and have continued off and on all day long. A good thick cloud cover has hung over the mountains all day and kept tempratures down. Currently it’s 71 degrees in Bryson City and 75 … Continue reading »

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Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/16/16

  Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report 9/16/16 It’s 64 degrees here this morning in Bryson City and we’re expected to get somewhere near 80 today for the high. I wish I could say it’s pouring rain out of buckets, but that’s not the case. We did receive some rain in the area last evening around … Continue reading »

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