Was your Summer fun?

Where did Summer go?

I sit here this morning with another first day of school behind us now. Seems like only yesterday we were dropping them off at pre-K for their first big day. I remember them clinging to my legs begging not to go, and their momma trying to hold back the tears because her babies were growing up. Now I pull up to the parent drop off at high school and middle school and they act like they don’t know who you are. Lol! Times change, and nothing changes faster than a growing child. At the start of every school year my wife takes a picture of them together and its really neat to see how much they have grown and changed. Its also sad in a way once it gets quiet and I think about only a few more years with them at home,and then its off to college.

Today it’s quiet now around the office. I sit and wonder if my kids had a great summer vacation or not. Did I do enough this year for them? Was their Summer fun? Only they can answer that one. I can only gauge it by my summer vacations that stick out now in my memories and judge what I thought was fun against what they have done. Hopefully I did enough to create some great memories for them.

Its all about creating memories

Back in July we planned a camping trip to Fontana Lake on the north shore at a national park camping site. Its a beautiful place on a small island that is part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The site stays booked and you have to reserve it well in advance in order to get a spot. The weather was calling for 80% chance of thunderstorms the first day. Now everyone knows in the Smokies, you may or may not get what they call for, weather here is unpredictable at best. We packed the boat with gear as it looked like another missed forecast. Once at the boat ramp the skies grew dark and it looked like we were in for it. I wanted to call off the dogs and head for the house, but nothing would do my daughter than to go camping. So we launched our pontoon and headed full steam ahead for the island. Its quiet a ways to the island and when you are in a boat that has a top speed closer to that of a snail, well, you don’t go anywhere fast. Half way there the skies closed in on us and all the heavens opened. I’m not sure how Noah felt all those years ago, but I think I have an idea. We couldnt turn around and we couldnt keep going so we were forced to take shelter. We tucked into a cove, got off the boat, and huddled low in a swag on the lake shore praying that we didnt get struck by lightning. I was sort of worried and was trying to be the brave one and assure my family that we were going to be ok. I looked over at my daughter who was smiling from ear to ear. She couldnt contain herself. This is fun she was hollering loudly above the thunder. She was having a blast and here I was scared to death and worried. The storm blew over as quickly as it started, soaking wet we trudged onward. Once at camp, my daughter kept saying “see aren’t you glad that you listened to me we came on anyways?!” She said its “all about creating memories and we just made a bunch of them!” I cant argue with that.

So as summer grows quickly to an end. Get out and make some memories. With the holiday weekend fast approaching, I know where I’m going to be, on another adventure with my kids, and weather be danged!

See ya’ll on the water!

Categories: Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Was your Summer fun?

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report August 27

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report August 27

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report August 27

The Great Smoky Mountains are fishing well this week. Cooler night time lows and some scattered showers across the region have cooled things just a tad and turned the fishing on.

The park streams around Cherokee and Gatlinburg are fishing particularly well. Higher elevations and back country locaions off the beaten path are fishing best of course. Currently we are fishing around 2,800ft in elevation and above. The water temps here are great and the action is much better.

We are seeing good hatches early morning of brown Stoneflies and tan Caddis. By late evening we’re seeing lots of Tricos. As always this time of year terrestrials such as inch worms, crickets and grasshopper patterns are working well. Nothing beats a small hopper dry fly in park streams along the fields of Cade’s Cove and Cataloochee.

The forecast this week is calling for some rain starting Wednesday and continuing through Sunday. Wednesday is supposed to be round 80% chance and tapering off as the week progresses. As always you never know in the Smoky Mountains how the weather will turn out. It could be raining on one side of the mountain and dry on the other. So we tend to pay little attention to the forecast and concentrate more on the fishing. Fish are already wet, so they don’t even know it’s raining!

The photo above is from a recent trip to Hazel Creek. The fishing here has been very good all month long. We’re seeing some fine days on the most storied stream in the Smokies right now. Brown tout seem to be getting more aggressive as summer winds to an end.

Also much needed prayers for our friends down in Texas and Louisiana as hurricane Harvey still hammers down across the region.

Tight Lines y’all!



Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report August 27
Categories: Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report, Little Tennessee River Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Guides, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report August 27

Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse

Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse

The Solar Eclipse on August 21st, 2017 will forever be one of the most amazing days living and just being in the Smoky Mountains of my life.

I headed out to Forney Creek by way of Fontana Lake at the 288 boat ramp just below Bryson City. Not much activity to report out of the ordinary before the actual eclipse got started. Typical hot August day with nary a cloud in the sky, spooky fish and very little activity. That all changed dramatically once the moon started making its way in front of the sun.

I carried a pair of the cheap solar viewing glasses with me and started watching the clock and then verifying the time with what I saw. You could have set an alarm with it. Once the Eclipse started, the action turned on like flipping a light switch. It was very similar to that late evening action you get just before dark, except only better. Caddis flies started getting very active for a brief time and birds got really quiet. Crickets started coming out by the hundreds, and you could see them on the banks moving around. Tons of crickets, more than I have seen at one time. The sound of them all was loud enough to hear above the rushing waters of Forney Creek. I had already anticipated the crickets in my pre-trip planing and had a Cricket dry fly tied on a dry/dropper setup. Glad I did some reading into an Eclipse before the trip. This pattern and setup absolutely wrecked house for me once the eclipse got started. I caught fish after fish on the sides of runs and in eddies of slower water. I suppose the crickets were out in so much force that plenty of them were falling into the water and the trout were going crazy for them.

Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Eclipse, Great Smoky Mountains Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Solar Eclipse 2017, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing, Fontana Lake Eclipse

I only fished a very short distance up Forney Creek as my family was with me, and our plans were to be at the forks of the river where the Tuckasegee River and Little Tennessee Rivers meet for the total darkness portion. So once the moon got to a 1/4 crescent we blasted down the lake to witness a possible once in a lifetime event together. As we we headed down Lake Fontana there were breaking bass all over the lake. Even more breaking fish than I would normally see on any given evening of fishing down there, and this was in the middle of the day! Definitely not typical of any Fontana bass fishing I’ve ever saw.

Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Eclipse, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Eclipse,
Watching the Eclipse was very surreal. It had to be the coolest natural occurrence I’ve ever seen. Living in the Smoky Mountains you get to see Mother Nature at her finest, but this by far surpassed any experience I’ve ever had. The fishing, for a brief time, was some of the best I have had in the park.

Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Eclipse,Smoky Mountains Eclipse, Fly Fishing the Smokies,
Once the sun poked back out we headed back up to Forney Creek. I tied the boat off in a hurry, and dashed back up stream to start fishing where I had left off. I was very anxious to see if the action was still that good. On my run back up the trail, I noticed the crickets had stopped chirping and the birds were singing again. I kept thinking over and over in my head that it was gone, gone with the passing moon, and maybe something I may never get to experience again. I’m sad to say that the magical fishing from just a short time earlier had disappeared with the Eclipse. Hopefully I’m still around and physically able to fish when the next Eclipse passes over the Smoky Mountains, as I cant wait to do this again!





Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse
Categories: Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Guides | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Fly Fishing the Solar Eclipse

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report August

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report August, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Guides,

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report August

Hazel Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is fishing superb this summer. Afternoon showers have kept water levels about perfect and stream temperatures in great shape for trout! August is typically a very hot and dry month, however thats not the case this year.

We are seeing good hatches this month on Hazel Creek. The trout are very active and feeding aggressively. Terrestrial patterns are the hot ticket this month with tons of inch worms, beetles and ants present along the trees and bank sides. Small hopper patterns have also been a hot bet as several sections of Hazel Creek have grassy areas along the banks and grasshoppers commonly fall into the water. Fishing terrestrials provide some fantastic dry fly opportunities for wild trout during time periods where fish may not otherwise be willing to come to the surface. I suppose it’s the idea of eating the same old thing day after day and then having the opportunity to eat something different for a change. You would be pretty excited about it too!

We are catching good numbers of Browns and Rainbows on Hazel Creek in the lower sections from Proctor to just below Bone Valley. Wild Browns are starting to become more active during the daylight hours. This is partly because the temps and conditions across the park have more a September feel to them which triggers the trout to start feeding heavier in preparation for spawning season and the oncoming winter. The upper reaches of Hazel Creek have ben excellent for Brook trout fishing this month. Cooler back country temps have the Brookies feeding aggressive with great dry fly action!

We still have a few spots left this month for our Hazel Creek Day Trips. If you happen to be in the neighborhood and want to experience one of the most epic areas in the Smokies, just give us a call!


For Reservations call (828)-488-7665 or Book Online!
Book Online, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Best Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Guides in Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Severville



Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report August
Categories: Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Guides, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report August

Best August in years

Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Best August in years, August Fly Fishing, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Maggie Valley Fly Fishing, Gatlinburg Fly Fishing, Pigeon Forge Fly Fishing, Bryson City Fly Fishing Guides, Western North Carolina Fly Fishing Guides

Best August in years

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park and surrounding region are fishing better than any August in recent memory. This is simply the best August in years!

Cooler day time and nightly temperatures combined with afternoon showers have made for some excellent stream conditions and fishing. Stream levels are fuller this time of year than in several years past. Hatches have been consistent all day bringing trout to the surface for most of the day into the evenings.

Gatlinburg Trout

The Trout streams around Gatlinburg in the Great Smoky Mountains have been fishing excellent this month. Great action from early morning and well into the evening with both dry flies and nymphs. There’s no wrong time of day to go right now. Thankfully we have had a much wetter summer than last year which has helped tremendously with the fishing. Hatches of Caddis, Brown Stoneflies and Yellow Sallies are really bringing the trout out to feed aggressively. Of course inch worms dangling from trees and beetles falling into the water make for some interesting fishing too! There’s no wrong time of day right now to fish around Gatlinburg

Bryson City Trout

The trout streams around the Bryson City area have been fishing excellent this month. Bryson City has long been the hub of great fly fishing for years. Centered smack dab in the middle of trout country and some of the best streams on the east coast. Some of our most epic streams are in the Bryson City area. Deep Creek, Noland Creek, Forney Creek and the famed Hazel Creek are all found here. Each are fishing at their peak this month. Typically in August the weather is hot and dry and the trout fishing plateaus for the month. This certainly is not the case this year. These favorites are good as it gets!

Cherokee Trout

Trout Fishing near Cherokee has been excellent in the Smoky Mountains National Park. Miles of stream that form in the mountains high above the town of Cherokee provide cold water for wild trout to thrive in. This August we have seen those streams produce good numbers of trout and several impressive fish for the size of streams fromwhich they were caught. The Oconaluftee river which flows through Cherokee provides excellent opportunities in many of the high elevation tributaries. Here we can catch Rainbow, Brown and Brook trout all in the same stream in the same day. There’s not many streams in the park can offer this level of fishing, or multitude of species in a single day of fishing.

Smallmouth Bass

Historically August has always been the best month for chasing Smallmouth Bass around the Smokies region. This is especially true this season. Cooler air tempratures and good amounts of rainfall have kept water temps lower and Bass activity high. The Little Tennessee river has been down right phenomenal for non stop action. Our guests have seen several 60 bass days out here right now. Float Trips have been of course the best way to fish for Smallmouth Bass this season. Top water action along with streamers and even spin tackle have done well this month. This most beautiful river we float is the Little Tennessee River which flows through a mostly forested area with very little if any development in sight of the river. Its a gorgeous float and superb action for hard fighting fish!

Call us at 828-488-7665 or Book Online!

Book Online, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Best Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Guides in Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Severville

Best August in Years
Categories: Drift Boat Fly Fishing, Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report, Little Tennessee River Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Guides, Tuckasegee River Fly Fishing Report, Uncategorized, Waynesville North Carolina | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Best August in years

Summer Float Trips

Summer Float Trips

Summer Float Trips

Summer Float Trips around the Great Smoky Mountains region offer super fly fishing for Smallmouth Bass! Pound for pound Smallmouth Bass fight harder than anything other freshwater fish. They are great to target with fly rods, or with spin tackle. Hard fights and plenty of jumps are sure to put smiles on faces!

Summer Float Trips, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Fly Fishing Guides Bryson City Maggie Valley Cherokee Bryson City Gatlinburg Pigoen Forge Smoky Mountains

Hard Fighting Bass

Summer is a time when we also catch a myriad of freshwater species on Float Trips. The Kentucky Spotted Bass is another staff favorite for their willingness to take poppers off the surface. They have exposive hits and bulldog fights. They are a great fish for both fly rods and spin tackle.

Fishing Guides Bryson City Maggie Valley Waynesville North Carolina, Pigeon Forge Gatlinburg Sevierville Tennessee Fishing Guide,

Beautiful Rivers

Two beautiful river to float, with each offering different possibilities and experiences. The Tucksegee River is long known as a top Trout fishing destination from October through June. However when the summer heat turns up the Tuckasegee River comes into its own as a great Smallmouth Bass and Kentucky Spotted Bass fishery. Catching a citation sized Smallie here is very possible. Float gorgeous sections of river with historical significance to the native Cherokee Indians. You’ll pass by Kituwah, which is considered as the original settlement of the Cherokee Indians. This site is one of the seven Mother Towns of Cherokee. A massive village was located on the banks here and along with Kituwah Mound which is still visible today.

The Little Tennessee River is an ancient river and one of the oldest in the region. Many Smithsoinian historians and geologists believe this region offers more significance to ancient civilization than any other surrounding region. The beautiful river flows majestically through forests and roaming mountainsides for miles and miles. The Little Tennessee River flows 135 miles and drains three national forests, and borders the Great Smoky Mountains National Park . This is the top Smallmouth Bass fishery in our region, and the most beautiful place for Float Trips.

Float Trip Rates

We have several great options for Float Trips with three different trip lengths for your enjoyment.

Half Day Float Trip, $225 per boat
Float Trip Special, $225 per boat
Full Day Float, $325 per boat

Book Online, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Best Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Guides in Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Severville


Categories: Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Guides, Uncategorized, Waynesville North Carolina | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Summer Float Trips

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips, Fly Fishing the Smokies Hazel Creek Guides

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips

Fly Fish the legendary Hazel Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Fly Fishing the Smokies now offers Guided Day Trips to the world famous Hazel Creek! This is the wildest, most scenic trout stream in the Smokies. Widely considered the bucket list stream of the Smoky Mountains and easily the most historically steeped region of the park! Solitude, unrivaled beauty and wild trout sums up a day on Hazel Creek.

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips, Hazel Creek Day Trip Fly Fishing

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing on Hazel Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains is an experience like no other. Take a boat ride across Fontana Lake to the north shore and enter the most remote and wildest trout stream in the Smokies. Hazel Creek is one of the largest creeks in the Great Smoky Mountains and has the healitest population of wild trout. Here you will find Rainbow, Brown, and Brook trout in abundance. Spring and Summer dry fly fishing here is spectacular with great hatches of light Cahill and Yellow Sallies second to none. During the Fall we see some of the largest wild Brown trout to be found anywhere inside the national park! High elevations sections hold the prettiest Brook trout to be found anywhere in the world!

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips, Hazel Creek Day Trip Fly Fishing Guided Trips Fly Fishing the Smokies

Hazel Creek Rates;

  • One person $300
  • Two People $375
  • Three people $450
    Trip includes boat shuttle across Fontana Lake, a professional guide, all gear, flies, and lunch.

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips, Hall Cabin Hazel Creek Fly Fishing the Smokies

Hazel Creek

Hazel Creek has the most storied and richest history of any region inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Once home to luminary figures such as Horace Kephart, founding father of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Also home to legendary outdoorsmen such as Granville Calhoun and Aquilla Rose. In the early 1900’s this area was once a thriving mining and logging community with hundreds of people living along the banks. The establishment of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the creation of Fontana Lake left Hazel Creek cut off from the rest of the world. The remaining structures are a reminder of days and life gone by. We get to enjoy these sights on many of our excursions to Hazel Creek.

For Reservations call (828)-488-7665 or book from our website

Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips, Fly Fishing the Smokies


Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips

Categories: Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off on Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Day Trips

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Sevierville Fly Fishing Guides, Bryson City Fly Fishing Guides,

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th

Summer always has those days near a Full Moon that seem to just fish very well. Typically those who are fishing after dark will reap these benefits for a few hours each night close to a full moon. However, often times a larger trout will eat during the day light hours and will surprise many anglers. Seems each year several of our guests will hook into a beast of a Brown trout during a sunny day in July and it just absolutely catches you off gaurd! There’s no rhyme or reason for it, the old mantra is big Browns dine at dusk. So when you get into one on a blue bird sky in the heat of July… well there’s no other way to put it other than holy crap!

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th

The fly fishing action around the Great Smoky Mountains has been fantastic this week! We’re seeing tons of dry fly activity from early morning until late evening inside the park. There’s nothing like having a wild trout smash dry flies!

The weather this week has been very warm. Afternoon highs in Gatlinburg and Bryson City have reaching into the upper 80’s. We are still seeing plenty of afternoon showers which help keep the mountain streams good and cool. This year has been great for rain thankfully. Last summer we experienced a drought, however that hasn’t been the case this year. Stream temperatures and water levels have been near perfect!

This time of year there is no bad start time for a fly fishing trip in the Smoky Mountains. Trout are active all day long and you’ll see plenty of action no what time you head out to fish. Thick forest shades the streams from the summer heat and heading into higher elevations means much cooler tempratures and happier trout.


Did you know!?

During the Summer a trout in the Smokies will completely digest its entire stomach contents in two hours, (or less if you’re a Brook trout!) Its true!

What that means for the fly fisherman is you will have actively feeding trout all day long. No matter what time of day or weather conditions, there’s going to be hungry trout. Imagine that for a second, say you just ate a big meal at your grand momma’s house and two hours later you are hungry again. I mean really hungry.. stomach growling, getting irritated, raiding the fridge you’re starved to death kind of hungry again. Every two hours, all summer long…. So now you’re thinking ok all I need to do is just throw a fly in the water and a trout will jump on my hook right? Not so fast. They are still wild trout, so they are still incredibly spooky. You still need to have the right flies, and there’s a few details that’s sort of the big ones. Trout are in the stream of course, but what part of the water column are they in now and where are they going to be? How are they going to be looking for their food? What are they going to eat? And how do I get the right fly down to the trout without spooking them? Those are just some the things that hiring a professional guide will take care of. Guides who fish these waters and guide each day will teach you what you need to know and help instruct you how to do them correctly to catch the wild trout in the Smoky Mountains

The forecast this weekend looks fantastic, afternoon pop up showers are possible but chances are low. The coming week looks very promising to be outside in the Smokies. Typical summer time highs in the 80’s and a slight chances of showers in the afternoons. We’ll take it!

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th
Categories: Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing, Hazel Creek Fly Fishing Report, Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report July 14th

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th, Fly Fishing the Smokies

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th

The Tuckasegee River fishing is incredible this week! Ideal generation schedules from the East and West Fork have the Tuckasegee River fishing perfectly. The action has been fantastic through out the entire day. We are catching big Rainbow and Brown Trout, along with Smallmouth Bass this week. Hatches have been great each day with tons of Caddis and several species of Mayflies coming off steadily.

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th

Tuckasegee River Trout

Currently the Bryson City section of the Tuckasegee River is fishing the best. This section holds 34,000 trout per mile making it the highest trout count total per mile of any river in the US. The river here has the highest biomass and nutrient rich waters of any stretch of this 52 mile long tailwater. In fact biologists tell us this is the highest biodiversity and healthiest river in the state of North Carolina. Trout here feed heavily all day on the many hatches of aquatic insects and plethora of bait fish present in the river. There are 72 species of fish in the lower Tuckasegee River, of course not all of them are game fish. Many are baitfish which larger trout and bass feed upon. Trout are noticably fatter and harder fighting here than on other stretches of river.

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May

Tuckasegee River Float Trips

Float Trips on the Tuckasegee River have been highly productive this week. Our guides are putting guests on good numbers of trout and Smallmouth bass on both fly rods and spin tackle. This time of year fish hold in many different waters types, and fishing from drift boats makes it easier to get to these areas. Fly Fishing the Smokies guides float 14 sections of the Tuckasegee and keep a constant finger on the pulse of this magnificent river and fishery.

There is just a few short weeks left of the Delayed Harvest season on the Tuckasegee River. Once the season is over however we still have great trout fishing and smallmouth bass fishing all summer long.

For Reservtaions (828)-488-7665 or Book Online!

Book Online, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Best Trout Fishing Fly Fishing Guides in Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Severville

Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th
Categories: Drift Boat Fly Fishing, Fishin' Blog, Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cashiers NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee North Carolina, Fly Fishing Guides in Franklin NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Highlands NC, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Tuckasegee River Fly Fishing Report, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Tuckasegee River Fishing Report May 19th

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th, Fly Fishing Gatlinburg Pigeon Forge Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th

Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th

The fly fishing inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is reaching its peak. Mid May is always when experienced Smokies anglers feel the park streams are fishing at their best! Perfect weather and abundant insect hatches keep the trout happy and looking up. Some of the best dry fly action of the Spring is happening right this very minute!

Black Berry Winter

Blackberry Winter blew through the region this past weekend, bringing with it severe high winds which toppled tress and closed the park down for a few days. Park officials told us there was over 150 downed tress in the roadways inside the park. Thats impressive considering we have had the remnants of hurricanes and everything in between and that has never happened before to that magnitude. Just goes to show how raw and wild the Smoky Mountains can be at times. The winds subsided and snow blew across the high country dumping upwards of 6 inches of snow in places like Mt Leconte and Clingmans Dome. Crazy right? However, history shows, it has snowed each month of the year inside the park over the years. Roadways are now clear and everything is operating inside the park as usual.

This week has been excellent weather as day time temperatures have reached the high 70’s inside the park. In downtown Gatlinburg it feels almost Summer like with mid 80’s. Its certainly nice to be outside in the Smokies now. Bryson City also topped out at 80 today as well.

Smoky Mountains Fishing

Our favorite dry fly hatches of year have begun inside the park. Yellow Sallie stoneflies and light Cahills are flying through the air and crawling acros the rocks. These hatches drive the Smokies Trout absolutely crazy. Trout leap into the air wildly to take a struggling insect off the waters surface. Every guide on our staff looses their minds this time of year as we enjoy the bounties of warmer weather. Right now there is an abundance of great hatches all across he region. There is no less than 26 different hatches you should be aware of. However if you plan to fish this weekend, bring a handful of Yellow Sallie dries in #14-18, light Cahills in #14-16, and plenty of olive and tan Caddis dries in sizes #14-18.

The Weekend

This weekend looks to have some rain moving into the area and thunderstorms are possible. It is the Smokies however and you never know what your going to get weather wise. We have an old saying, well actually we have lots of sayings, that’s what mountain folk do, but anyhow. If you don’t like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes, It’s going to change! Highs on Friday will reach 77, rain on Saturday with a high of 66, and sunny on Sunday and back up to 76. Grab a rain jacket and get to the water, the trout are waiting!


Faith, Family, and Fishing!



Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th
Categories: Fly Fishing Gatlinburg, Fly Fishing Guides Gatlinburg TN, Fly Fishing Guides in Bryson City, Fly Fishing Guides in Cherokee NC, Fly Fishing Guides in Pigeon Forge TN, Fly Fishing Guides in the Smoky Mountains, Fly Fishing the Smokies, Gatlingburg TN Fly Fishing Guides, Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report, Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Guides, Guided Fly Fishing in Gatlinburg TN, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Great Smoky Mountains Fishing Report May 10th